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You have searched for drugs beginning with: I - 148 result(s) found

First Line Drugs First Line Drugs
Second Line Drugs Second Line Drugs
Specialist advised Specialist advised
Specialist Initiated Drugs Specialist Initiated Drugs
Hospital Only Drugs Hospital Only Drugs
Discouraged Discouraged
No comment available No comment available

NameTariffBNF Sub Paragraph
2.5 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.74PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Thiazides And Related DiureticsView BNF Article on 'Indapamide'View SPC on 'Indapamide'View PIL on 'Indapamide'
250 mL bottle inhalation Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Inhalational AnaestheticsView BNF Article on 'Isoflurane'View SPC on 'Isoflurane'View PIL on 'Isoflurane'
Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN
20 mg tab Pack of 56
£1.07PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs NitratesView BNF Article on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN'View SPC on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN'View PIL on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN'
Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN
10 mg tab Pack of 56
£1.12PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs NitratesView BNF Article on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN'View SPC on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN'View PIL on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN'
Ibuprofen Gel (Fenbid)
5 % gel Pack of 100
£1.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Rubefacients & Other Top.AntirheumaticsView BNF Article on 'Ibuprofen Gel'View SPC on 'Ibuprofen Gel'View PIL on 'Ibuprofen Gel'
Ibuprofen Suspension
100 mg/5ml (s/f) Pack of 100
£1.52PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory DrugsView BNF Article on 'Ibuprofen Suspension'View SPC on 'Ibuprofen Suspension'View PIL on 'Ibuprofen Suspension'
Ibuprofen Tablets
200 mg tab Pack of 84
£2.31PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory DrugsView BNF Article on 'Ibuprofen Tablets'View SPC on 'Ibuprofen Tablets'View PIL on 'Ibuprofen Tablets'
Hypodermic insulin needles (Insupen Original)
4 mm/32gauge Pack of 100
£2.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'View SPC on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'View PIL on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'
Hypodermic insulin needles (Insupen Original)
4 mm/33gauge Pack of 100
£2.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'View SPC on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'View PIL on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'
Hypodermic insulin needles (Insupen Original)
5 mm/31gauge Pack of 100
£2.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Hypodermic equipmentView BNF Article on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'View SPC on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'View PIL on 'Hypodermic insulin needles'
Ibuprofen Tablets
400 mg tab Pack of 84
£2.56PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory DrugsView BNF Article on 'Ibuprofen Tablets'View SPC on 'Ibuprofen Tablets'View PIL on 'Ibuprofen Tablets'
Carob seed flour powder (Instant Carobel)
135 gram powder Pack of 135
£2.91PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Pre-thickened drinksView BNF Article on 'Carob seed flour powder'View SPC on 'Carob seed flour powder'View PIL on 'Carob seed flour powder'
Indapamide MR
1.5 mg tab Pack of 30
£3.40PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Thiazides And Related DiureticsView BNF Article on 'Indapamide MR'View SPC on 'Indapamide MR'View PIL on 'Indapamide MR'
Isosorbide Mononitrate (Monomil XL (Teva))
60 mg SR tab Pack of 28
£3.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs NitratesView BNF Article on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate'View SPC on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate'View PIL on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate'
Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR (Chemydur XL)
60 mg tab MR Pack of 28
£3.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs NitratesView BNF Article on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'View SPC on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'View PIL on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'
Ibuprofen Gel (Phorpain Forte)
10 % FORTE Gel Pack of 100
£4.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Rubefacients & Other Top.AntirheumaticsView BNF Article on 'Ibuprofen Gel'View SPC on 'Ibuprofen Gel'View PIL on 'Ibuprofen Gel'
Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution (Atrovent UDV)
250 mcg / 1ml Unit Pack of 20
£4.14PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Antimuscarinic BronchodilatorsView BNF Article on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'View SPC on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'View PIL on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'
Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR (Elantan LA)
25 mg cap MR Pack of 28
£4.22PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs NitratesView BNF Article on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'View SPC on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'View PIL on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'
Colecalciferol (InVita D3)
25000 units/ml oral solution Pack of 3
£4.45PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Vitamin DView BNF Article on 'Colecalciferol'View SPC on 'Colecalciferol'View PIL on 'Colecalciferol'
Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution (Atrovent UDV)
500 mcg / 2ml Unit Pack of 20
£4.87PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Antimuscarinic BronchodilatorsView BNF Article on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'View SPC on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'View PIL on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'
Ispaghula Husk Sachet (Fybogel)
3.5 g / sachet Pack of 30
£5.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Bulk-Forming LaxativesView BNF Article on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'View SPC on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'View PIL on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'
Ispaghula Husk Sachet (Fybogel)
3.5 g / sachet lemon Pack of 30
£5.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Bulk-Forming LaxativesView BNF Article on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'View SPC on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'View PIL on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'
Ispaghula Husk Sachet (Fybogel)
3.5 g / sachet orange Pack of 30
£5.49PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Bulk-Forming LaxativesView BNF Article on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'View SPC on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'View PIL on 'Ispaghula Husk Sachet'
Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR (Elantan LA)
50 mg cap MR Pack of 28
£5.53PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs NitratesView BNF Article on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'View SPC on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'View PIL on 'Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR'
Ipratropium Bromide MDI (Atrovent)
20 mcg / puff (200 dose Unit CFC free) Pack of 1
£5.56PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Antimuscarinic BronchodilatorsView BNF Article on 'Ipratropium Bromide MDI'View SPC on 'Ipratropium Bromide MDI'View PIL on 'Ipratropium Bromide MDI'
Ibuprofen Gel
10 % Gel Pack of 100
£5.79PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Rubefacients & Other Top.AntirheumaticsView BNF Article on 'Ibuprofen Gel'View SPC on 'Ibuprofen Gel'View PIL on 'Ibuprofen Gel'
Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution
500 mcg / 2ml Unit Pack of 20
£6.44PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Antimuscarinic BronchodilatorsView BNF Article on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'View SPC on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'View PIL on 'Ipratropium Nebuliser Solution'
Influenza Vaccine (Split virion)
0.5 ml pre-filled syringe Pack of 1
£6.59PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Vaccines And AntiseraView BNF Article on 'Influenza Vaccine (Split virion)'View SPC on 'Influenza Vaccine (Split virion)'View PIL on 'Influenza Vaccine (Split virion)'
Insulin isophane human
10 units/ml suspension for injection 10ml vials Pack of 1
£7.48PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin isophane human 'View SPC on 'Insulin isophane human 'View PIL on 'Insulin isophane human '
Povidone Iodine Dressing (Inadine)
5 x 5cm Pack of 25
£7.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Wound Management & other DressingsView BNF Article on 'Povidone Iodine Dressing'View SPC on 'Povidone Iodine Dressing'View PIL on 'Povidone Iodine Dressing'
Instillagel Pre-filled Syringe
11 ml (10 pack) Pack of 10
£11.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Local AnaestheticsView BNF Article on 'Instillagel Pre-filled Syringe'View SPC on 'Instillagel Pre-filled Syringe'View PIL on 'Instillagel Pre-filled Syringe'
Estriol (Imvaggis)
0.03 mg pessaries Pack of 24
£13.38PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Preparations For Vaginal AtrophyView BNF Article on 'Estriol'View SPC on 'Estriol'View PIL on 'Estriol'
Influenza Vaccine (Fluenz)
0.2 mL Nasal Applicator Pack of 1
£14.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Vaccines And AntiseraView BNF Article on 'Influenza Vaccine'View SPC on 'Influenza Vaccine'View PIL on 'Influenza Vaccine'
Insulin lispro (Admelog )
100 units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials Pack of 1
£14.12PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin lispro'View SPC on 'Insulin lispro'View PIL on 'Insulin lispro'
Sumatriptan Nasal Spray (Imigran Nasal Spray)
20 mg / spray Pack of 2
£14.16PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Treatment Of Acute MigraineView BNF Article on 'Sumatriptan Nasal Spray'View SPC on 'Sumatriptan Nasal Spray'View PIL on 'Sumatriptan Nasal Spray'
Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine (Vaqta Paediatric)
25 antigen units per 0.5 mL Pack of 1
£14.55PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Vaccines And AntiseraView BNF Article on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine'View SPC on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine'View PIL on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine'
IUCD (Nova T 380)
1 unit Pack of 1
£15.20PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Contraceptive DevicesView BNF Article on 'IUCD'View SPC on 'IUCD'View PIL on 'IUCD'
5 g Sachet (Paste with removable gauze) Pack of 5
£18.27PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Gel And Colloid DressingsView BNF Article on 'Iodoflex'View SPC on 'Iodoflex'View PIL on 'Iodoflex'
Insulin Aspart (Trurapi)
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges Pack of 5
£19.82PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Aspart'View SPC on 'Insulin Aspart'View PIL on 'Insulin Aspart'
Inactivated Hepatitis A and B Vaccine (Twinrix Paediatric)
0.5 ml prefilled syringe (Paediactric) Pack of 1
£20.79PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Vaccines And AntiseraView BNF Article on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A and B Vaccine'View SPC on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A and B Vaccine'View PIL on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A and B Vaccine'
Insulin lispro (Admelog )
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges Pack of 5
£21.23PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin lispro'View SPC on 'Insulin lispro'View PIL on 'Insulin lispro'
Insulin Aspart (Trurapi)
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled Solostar pens Pack of 5
£21.42PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Aspart'View SPC on 'Insulin Aspart'View PIL on 'Insulin Aspart'
Insulin lispro (Admelog )
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pens Pack of 5
£22.10PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin lispro'View SPC on 'Insulin lispro'View PIL on 'Insulin lispro'
Insulin Isophane Human (Insulatard Penfill)
100 units/ml suspension for injection 3ml cartridge Pack of 5
£22.90PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Due to be discontinued, it is anticipated stock will run until June 2025 Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Isophane Human'View SPC on 'Insulin Isophane Human'View PIL on 'Insulin Isophane Human'
Due to be discontinued, it is anticipated stock will run until June 2025
Ipratropium - Salbutamol Nebs (Combivent UDV)
60 * 2.5ml vials Pack of 60
£24.10PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Combivent® nebuliser solution should be started only by a Respiratory Physician. It is less expensive to prescribe salbutamol and ipratropium bromide nebuliser solutions separately but this requires patients to nebulise 4.5 mL instead of 2.5 mL. Compound Bronchodilator PreparationsView BNF Article on 'Ipratropium - Salbutamol Nebs'View SPC on 'Ipratropium - Salbutamol Nebs'View PIL on 'Ipratropium - Salbutamol Nebs'
Combivent® nebuliser solution should be started only by a Respiratory Physician. It is less expensive to prescribe salbutamol and ipratropium bromide nebuliser solutions separately but this requires patients to nebulise 4.5 mL instead of 2.5 mL.
Umeclidinium bromide dry powder inhaler (Incruse Ellipta)
55 mcgs Pack of 30
£27.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Antimuscarinic BronchodilatorsView BNF Article on 'Umeclidinium bromide dry powder inhaler'View SPC on 'Umeclidinium bromide dry powder inhaler'View PIL on 'Umeclidinium bromide dry powder inhaler'
Indacaterol inhaler (Onbrez Breezhaler)
150 mcg (3 x 10) Pack of 30
£32.19PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Selective Beta(2)-AgonistsView BNF Article on 'Indacaterol inhaler'View SPC on 'Indacaterol inhaler'View PIL on 'Indacaterol inhaler'
Indacaterol inhaler (Onbrez Breezhaler)
300 mcg (3 x 10) Pack of 30
£32.19PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Selective Beta(2)-AgonistsView BNF Article on 'Indacaterol inhaler'View SPC on 'Indacaterol inhaler'View PIL on 'Indacaterol inhaler'
Insulin glargine (Abasaglar)
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges Pack of 5
£35.28PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin glargine'
Insulin glargine (Abasaglar KwikPen)
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pen Pack of 5
£35.28PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin glargine'
Insulin Detemir (Levemir Penfill)
3 ml cartridge Pack of 5
£42.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Advanced warning that Levemir products are due to be discontinued in 2026, advice is not to initiate any new patients on Levemir products. Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Detemir'View SPC on 'Insulin Detemir'View PIL on 'Insulin Detemir'
Advanced warning that Levemir products are due to be discontinued in 2026, advice is not to initiate any new patients on Levemir products.
Insulin Detemir (Levemir Flexpen)
3 ml preloaded pen Pack of 5
£42.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Advanced warning that Levemir products are due to be discontinued in 2026, advice is not to initiate any new patients on Levemir products. Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Detemir'View SPC on 'Insulin Detemir'View PIL on 'Insulin Detemir'
Advanced warning that Levemir products are due to be discontinued in 2026, advice is not to initiate any new patients on Levemir products.
Icosapent (Vazkepa)
998 mg capsules Pack of 120
£144.21PCT FORMULARY STATUS: First Line Drugs [Notes:] Only for patients already on a statin. Please note increased risk of AF Lipid-Regulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Icosapent'View SPC on 'Icosapent'View PIL on 'Icosapent'
Only for patients already on a statin. Please note increased risk of AF
75 mg tab Pack of 28
£0.94PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Irbesartan'View SPC on 'Irbesartan'View PIL on 'Irbesartan'
25 mg tab Pack of 28
£1.06PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Tricyclic & Related Antidepressant DrugsView BNF Article on 'Imipramine'View SPC on 'Imipramine'View PIL on 'Imipramine'
150 mg tab Pack of 28
£1.12PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Irbesartan'View SPC on 'Irbesartan'View PIL on 'Irbesartan'
Ibandronic Acid
150 mg tab Pack of 1
£1.26PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Biphosphonates and Other DrugsView BNF Article on 'Ibandronic Acid'View SPC on 'Ibandronic Acid'View PIL on 'Ibandronic Acid'
10 mg tab Pack of 28
£1.28PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Tricyclic & Related Antidepressant DrugsView BNF Article on 'Imipramine'View SPC on 'Imipramine'View PIL on 'Imipramine'
300 mg tab Pack of 28
£1.87PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Angiotensin-II Receptor AntagonistsView BNF Article on 'Irbesartan'View SPC on 'Irbesartan'View PIL on 'Irbesartan'
Simethicone Liquid (Infacol)
40 mg / ml 50 ml suspension Pack of 50
£2.71PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Antacids and SimeticoneView BNF Article on 'Simethicone Liquid'View SPC on 'Simethicone Liquid'View PIL on 'Simethicone Liquid'
Ropinirole (Ipinnia XL)
2 mg tablets MR Pack of 28
£5.64PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Ropinirole'View SPC on 'Ropinirole'View PIL on 'Ropinirole'
Ipratropium bromide Nasal Spray (Rinaspray)
0.03 % 15ml Unit Pack of 1
£6.54PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Topical Nasal DecongestantsView BNF Article on 'Ipratropium bromide Nasal Spray'View SPC on 'Ipratropium bromide Nasal Spray'View PIL on 'Ipratropium bromide Nasal Spray'
Itraconazole Capsules
100 mg Cap Pack of 15
£6.90PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Antifungal DrugsView BNF Article on 'Itraconazole Capsules'View SPC on 'Itraconazole Capsules'View PIL on 'Itraconazole Capsules'
Ropinirole (Ipinnia XL)
3 mg tablets MR Pack of 28
£8.46PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Ropinirole'View SPC on 'Ropinirole'View PIL on 'Ropinirole'
Ropinirole (Ipinnia XL)
4 mg tablets MR Pack of 28
£11.29PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Ropinirole'View SPC on 'Ropinirole'View PIL on 'Ropinirole'
Insulin Aspart (Novorapid)
10 ml vial (100units/ml) Pack of 1
£14.08PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Aspart'View SPC on 'Insulin Aspart'View PIL on 'Insulin Aspart'
Ropinirole (Ipinnia XL)
6 mg tablets MR Pack of 28
£15.32PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Ropinirole'View SPC on 'Ropinirole'View PIL on 'Ropinirole'
Insulin lispro (Humalog )
10 ml vial (100 units / ml) Pack of 10
£16.61PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin lispro 'View SPC on 'Insulin lispro 'View PIL on 'Insulin lispro '
Ivermectin (Soolantra)
10 mg/g cream 30g Pack of 30
£18.29PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] Mild papulopustular rosacea is usually managed by azelaic acid 15% gel. For moderate to severe inflammatory lesions of rosacea where a topical treatment is appropriate, ivermectin 1% cream should be used instead of topical metronidazole. Systemic antibiotics are reserved for more severe disease. Topical Preparations For AcneView BNF Article on 'Ivermectin'View SPC on 'Ivermectin'View PIL on 'Ivermectin'
Mild papulopustular rosacea is usually managed by azelaic acid 15% gel. For moderate to severe inflammatory lesions of rosacea where a topical treatment is appropriate, ivermectin 1% cream should be used instead of topical metronidazole. Systemic antibiotics are reserved for more severe disease.
Ropinirole (Ipinnia XL)
8 mg tablets MR Pack of 28
£18.95PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Dopaminergic Drugs Used In ParkinsonismView BNF Article on 'Ropinirole'View SPC on 'Ropinirole'View PIL on 'Ropinirole'
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
10 ml vial (100units / ml) Pack of 1
£25.69PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin Glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin Glargine'
Insulin Aspart (Novorapid)
3 ml cartidge (Penfill) Pack of 5
£28.31PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Aspart'View SPC on 'Insulin Aspart'View PIL on 'Insulin Aspart'
Insulin Lispro Cartridge (Humalog)
3 ml Cartridge Pack of 5
£28.31PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Lispro Cartridge'View SPC on 'Insulin Lispro Cartridge'View PIL on 'Insulin Lispro Cartridge'
Insulin Lispro Kwik Pen (Humalog)
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled disposable injection Pack of 5
£29.46PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Lispro Kwik Pen'View SPC on 'Insulin Lispro Kwik Pen'View PIL on 'Insulin Lispro Kwik Pen'
Insulin Aspart (Novorapid)
3 ml prefilled pen (Flexpen) Pack of 5
£30.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Aspart'View SPC on 'Insulin Aspart'View PIL on 'Insulin Aspart'
Indacaterol/glycopyrronium inhalation powder capsules with device (Ultibro Breezhaler)
85 microgram/43microgram Pack of 30
£32.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Compound Bronchodilator PreparationsView BNF Article on 'Indacaterol/glycopyrronium inhalation powder capsules with device'View SPC on 'Indacaterol/glycopyrronium inhalation powder capsules with device'View PIL on 'Indacaterol/glycopyrronium inhalation powder capsules with device'
Inactivated Hepatitis A and B Vaccine (Twinrix Adult)
1 ml prefilled syringe (adult) Pack of 1
£33.31PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Vaccines And AntiseraView BNF Article on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A and B Vaccine'View SPC on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A and B Vaccine'View PIL on 'Inactivated Hepatitis A and B Vaccine'
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
3 ml cartridge (for OptiPen / Autopen) Pack of 5
£34.75PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin Glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin Glargine'
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
3 ml SoloStar pen Pack of 5
£34.75PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin Glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin Glargine'
Canagliflozin (Invokana)
100 mg tab Pack of 30
£39.20PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] May only be initiated in primary care for people with type 2 diabetes and no heart failure. Other AntidiabeticsView BNF Article on 'Canagliflozin'View SPC on 'Canagliflozin'View PIL on 'Canagliflozin'
May only be initiated in primary care for people with type 2 diabetes and no heart failure.
Canagliflozin (Invokana)
300 mg tab Pack of 30
£39.20PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs [Notes:] May only be initiated in primary care for people with type 2 diabetes and no heart failure. Other AntidiabeticsView BNF Article on 'Canagliflozin'View SPC on 'Canagliflozin'View PIL on 'Canagliflozin'
May only be initiated in primary care for people with type 2 diabetes and no heart failure.
Insulin Glargine (Lantus)
3 ml OptiSet pen Pack of 5
£41.50PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Glargine'View SPC on 'Insulin Glargine'View PIL on 'Insulin Glargine'
284 mg/1.5ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes Pack of 1
£55.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Lipid-Regulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Inclisiran 'View SPC on 'Inclisiran 'View PIL on 'Inclisiran '
Itraconazole Solution (Sporanox Liquid)
10 mg/ ml Pack of 150
£58.34PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Second Line Drugs Antifungal DrugsView BNF Article on 'Itraconazole Solution'View SPC on 'Itraconazole Solution'View PIL on 'Itraconazole Solution'
7.5 mg tablets Pack of 56
£3.40PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist advised [Notes:] Can be initiated in primary care following specialist recommendation  Other Antianginal DrugsView BNF Article on 'Ivabradine'View SPC on 'Ivabradine'View PIL on 'Ivabradine'
Can be initiated in primary care following specialist recommendation
5 mg tablets Pack of 56
£4.22PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist advised [Notes:] Can be initiated in primary care following specialist recommendation  Other Antianginal DrugsView BNF Article on 'Ivabradine'View SPC on 'Ivabradine'View PIL on 'Ivabradine'
Can be initiated in primary care following specialist recommendation
2.5 mg tablets Pack of 56
£23.75PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist advised [Notes:] Can be initiated in primary care following specialist recommendation  Other Antianginal DrugsView BNF Article on 'Ivabradine'View SPC on 'Ivabradine'View PIL on 'Ivabradine'
Can be initiated in primary care following specialist recommendation
3 mg tablets Pack of 4
£55.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist advised [Notes:] May be prescribed in primary care on the recommendation /  guidance of dermatology for the treatment of scabies Parasiticidal PreparationsView BNF Article on 'Ivermectin'View SPC on 'Ivermectin'View PIL on 'Ivermectin'
May be prescribed in primary care on the recommendation / guidance of dermatology for the treatment of scabies
Infatrini Peptisorb
200 ml liquid Pack of 200
£3.47PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Enteral NutritionView BNF Article on 'Infatrini Peptisorb'View SPC on 'Infatrini Peptisorb'View PIL on 'Infatrini Peptisorb'
Rufinamide (Inovelon)
100 mg tab film coated Pack of 10
£5.15PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Rufinamide'View SPC on 'Rufinamide'View PIL on 'Rufinamide'
Isotonic Complete Food (Osmolite)
1 unit (500ml ready to hang) Pack of 500
£5.40PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Enteral NutritionView BNF Article on 'Isotonic Complete Food'View SPC on 'Isotonic Complete Food'View PIL on 'Isotonic Complete Food'
Isotonic Complete Food (Osmolite Plus)
1 unit (500ml ready to hang) Pack of 500
£5.87PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Enteral NutritionView BNF Article on 'Isotonic Complete Food'View SPC on 'Isotonic Complete Food'View PIL on 'Isotonic Complete Food'
Isotonic Complete Food (Osmolite 1.5kcal)
1 unit (500ml ready to hang) Pack of 1
£6.28PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Enteral NutritionView BNF Article on 'Isotonic Complete Food'View SPC on 'Isotonic Complete Food'View PIL on 'Isotonic Complete Food'
Iron dextran (CosmoFer®)
100 mg in 2mL Pack of 1
£7.97PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Parenteral IronView BNF Article on 'Iron dextran'View SPC on 'Iron dextran'View PIL on 'Iron dextran'
Apraclonidine (Iopidine)
0.5 % Eye Drops (5ml unit) Pack of 1
£10.88PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Apraclonidine 1% and 0.5% can be prescribed in primary care after Ophthalmic Consultant initiation.  The 1% strength is sometimes used as complex glaucoma management  in  patients sensitive to preserved eye drops . Ocular Diagnos/Peri-op Prepn&Photodyn TtView BNF Article on 'Apraclonidine'View SPC on 'Apraclonidine'View PIL on 'Apraclonidine'
Apraclonidine 1% and 0.5% can be prescribed in primary care after Ophthalmic Consultant initiation. The 1% strength is sometimes used as complex glaucoma management in patients sensitive to preserved eye drops .
Insulin aspart (Fiasp)
100 units/ml solution for injection 10ml vials Pack of 1
£14.08PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:]  
Fiasp (Fast acting insulin aspart) for patients 1 year and over under the care of the paediatric diabetes service, who are either unpredictable eaters or have problematic post-meal glucose rise, not managed with dietetic input and assessed as competent to try Fiasp by the dietician. Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin aspart'View SPC on 'Insulin aspart'View PIL on 'Insulin aspart'
Fiasp (Fast acting insulin aspart) for patients 1 year and over under the care of the paediatric diabetes service, who are either unpredictable eaters or have problematic post-meal glucose rise, not managed with dietetic input and assessed as competent to try Fiasp by the dietician.
Azathioprine (Imuran)
50 mg vial for injection Pack of 1
£15.38PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Antiproliferative ImmunosuppressantsView BNF Article on 'Azathioprine'View SPC on 'Azathioprine'View PIL on 'Azathioprine'
aviptadil/phentolamine (Invicorp)
25 mcgs/2mg/0.35ml solution for injection ampoules Pack of 2
£19.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Alpha-Adrenoceptor Blocking DrugsView BNF Article on 'aviptadil/phentolamine'View SPC on 'aviptadil/phentolamine'View PIL on 'aviptadil/phentolamine'
Enoxaparin sodium (Inhixa)
20 mg/0.2ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes Pack of 10
£20.86PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Parenteral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View SPC on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View PIL on 'Enoxaparin sodium'
Insulin aspart (Fiasp Penfill)
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml cartridges Pack of 5
£28.31PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Fiasp (Fast acting insulin aspart) for patients 1 year and over under the care of the paediatric diabetes service, who are either unpredictable eaters or have problematic post-meal glucose rise, not managed with dietetic input and assessed as competent to try Fiasp by the dietician. Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin aspart'View SPC on 'Insulin aspart'View PIL on 'Insulin aspart'
Fiasp (Fast acting insulin aspart) for patients 1 year and over under the care of the paediatric diabetes service, who are either unpredictable eaters or have problematic post-meal glucose rise, not managed with dietetic input and assessed as competent to try Fiasp by the dietician.
Enoxaparin sodium (Inhixa)
40 mg/0.4ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes Pack of 10
£30.27PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Parenteral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View SPC on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View PIL on 'Enoxaparin sodium'
Insulin aspart (Fiasp FlexTouch)
100 units/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pen Pack of 5
£30.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:]  
Fiasp (Fast acting insulin aspart) for patients 1 year and over under the care of the paediatric diabetes service, who are either unpredictable eaters or have problematic post-meal glucose rise, not managed with dietetic input and assessed as competent to try Fiasp by the dietician. Short-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin aspart'View SPC on 'Insulin aspart'View PIL on 'Insulin aspart'
Fiasp (Fast acting insulin aspart) for patients 1 year and over under the care of the paediatric diabetes service, who are either unpredictable eaters or have problematic post-meal glucose rise, not managed with dietetic input and assessed as competent to try Fiasp by the dietician.
Enoxaparin sodium (Inhixa)
60 mg/0.6ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes Pack of 10
£39.26PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Parenteral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View SPC on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View PIL on 'Enoxaparin sodium'
Insulin Degludec (Tresiba)
100 u / ml (3ml cartridge) (Penfill) Pack of 5
£46.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Approved for use in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children from the age of one year, who are under the care of the paediatric diabetes service Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Degludec'View SPC on 'Insulin Degludec'View PIL on 'Insulin Degludec'
Approved for use in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children from the age of one year, who are under the care of the paediatric diabetes service
Insulin Degludec (Tresiba Flextouch)
100 u/ml (3ml prefilled pen) Pack of 5
£46.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:]  
Insulin degludec (Tresiba) - approved for use in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children from the age of one year, who are under the care of the paediatric diabetes service.  Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Degludec'View SPC on 'Insulin Degludec'View PIL on 'Insulin Degludec'
Insulin degludec (Tresiba) - approved for use in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children from the age of one year, who are under the care of the paediatric diabetes service.
Imiquimod Cream (Aldara Cream)
5 % in sachets Pack of 12
£48.60PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Preparations For Warts And Calluses
PCT FORMULARY STATUSFirst Line Drugs Preparations For Warts And Calluses
View BNF Article on 'Imiquimod Cream'View SPC on 'Imiquimod Cream'View PIL on 'Imiquimod Cream'
Preparations For Warts And Calluses
For actinic keratosis for areas up to 25cm2. Please see Cornwall RMS for additional information
Enoxaparin sodium (Inhixa)
80 mg/0.8ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes Pack of 10
£55.13PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Parenteral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View SPC on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View PIL on 'Enoxaparin sodium'
Insulin Degludec (Tresiba Flextouch)
200 u/ml (3ml prefilled pen) Pack of 3
£55.92PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:]  
Insulin degludec (Tresiba) - approved for use in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children from the age of one year, who are under the care of the paediatric diabetes service.  Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin Degludec'View SPC on 'Insulin Degludec'View PIL on 'Insulin Degludec'
Insulin degludec (Tresiba) - approved for use in the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children from the age of one year, who are under the care of the paediatric diabetes service.
Guanfacine (Intuniv)
1 mg MR tablets Pack of 28
£56.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Guanfacine'View SPC on 'Guanfacine'View PIL on 'Guanfacine'
Guanfacine (Intuniv)
2 mg MR tablets Pack of 28
£58.52PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Guanfacine'View SPC on 'Guanfacine'View PIL on 'Guanfacine'
Rufinamide (Inovelon)
200 mg tab film coated Pack of 60
£61.77PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Rufinamide'View SPC on 'Rufinamide'View PIL on 'Rufinamide'
Guanfacine (Intuniv)
3 mg MR tablets Pack of 28
£65.52PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Guanfacine'View SPC on 'Guanfacine'View PIL on 'Guanfacine'
Ciclosporin (Ikervis)
0.1 % eye drops 0.3ml unit dose Pack of 30
£72.00PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Tear Deficiency,Eye Lubricant/AstringentView BNF Article on 'Ciclosporin'View SPC on 'Ciclosporin'View PIL on 'Ciclosporin'
Enoxaparin sodium (Inhixa)
100 mg/1ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes Pack of 10
£72.30PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Parenteral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View SPC on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View PIL on 'Enoxaparin sodium'
100 mg tab Pack of 28
£75.11PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Antituberculosis DrugsView BNF Article on 'Isoniazid'View SPC on 'Isoniazid'View PIL on 'Isoniazid'
Guanfacine (Intuniv)
4 mg MR tablets Pack of 28
£76.16PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHDView BNF Article on 'Guanfacine'View SPC on 'Guanfacine'View PIL on 'Guanfacine'
Enoxaparin sodium (Inhixa)
120 mg/0.8ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes Pack of 10
£87.93PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Parenteral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View SPC on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View PIL on 'Enoxaparin sodium'
Acetylcysteine Eye Drops (Ilube)
5 % (10ml Unit) Pack of 1
£92.75PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Tear Deficiency,Eye Lubricant/AstringentView BNF Article on 'Acetylcysteine Eye Drops'View SPC on 'Acetylcysteine Eye Drops'View PIL on 'Acetylcysteine Eye Drops'
Apraclonidine (Iopidine)
1 % Eye Drops (0.25ml single units) Pack of 24
£95.19PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Apraclonidine 1% and 0.5% can be prescribed in primary care after Ophthalmic Consultant initiation.  The 1% strength is sometimes used as complex glaucoma management  in  patients sensitive to preserved eye drops . Ocular Diagnos/Peri-op Prepn&Photodyn TtView BNF Article on 'Apraclonidine'View SPC on 'Apraclonidine'View PIL on 'Apraclonidine'
Apraclonidine 1% and 0.5% can be prescribed in primary care after Ophthalmic Consultant initiation. The 1% strength is sometimes used as complex glaucoma management in patients sensitive to preserved eye drops .
Enoxaparin sodium (Inhixa)
150 mg/1ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes Pack of 10
£99.91PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Parenteral AnticoagulantsView BNF Article on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View SPC on 'Enoxaparin sodium'View PIL on 'Enoxaparin sodium'
Rufinamide (Inovelon)
400 mg tab film coated Pack of 60
£102.96PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs Control Of EpilepsyView BNF Article on 'Rufinamide'View SPC on 'Rufinamide'View PIL on 'Rufinamide'
Insulin degludec / Liraglutide (Xultophy)
100 units/ml/Liraglutide 3.6mg/ml solution for injection 3ml pre-filled pen Pack of 5
£159.22PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Specialist Initiated Drugs [Notes:] Xultophy, a combination of liraglutide/insulin degludec, is accepted onto the formulary for patients intolerant of at least two GLP-1 agonists and who may also be on insulin. Prescribing of Xultophy will be undertaken by the Diabetes Team for the first month and guidance on how Xultophy will be titrated up (and any existing insulin titrated down) will be provided by the Diabetes Team. Patients on Xultophy will be supervised by the Team for about 12 months. Intermediate And Long-Acting InsulinsView BNF Article on 'Insulin degludec / Liraglutide'View SPC on 'Insulin degludec / Liraglutide'View PIL on 'Insulin degludec / Liraglutide'
Xultophy, a combination of liraglutide/insulin degludec, is accepted onto the formulary for patients intolerant of at least two GLP-1 agonists and who may also be on insulin. Prescribing of Xultophy will be undertaken by the Diabetes Team for the first month and guidance on how Xultophy will be titrated up (and any existing insulin titrated down) will be provided by the Diabetes Team. Patients on Xultophy will be supervised by the Team for about 12 months.
IAluril Bladder Instillation
800 mg sodium hyaluronate / 1g sodium chronondroitin sulphate Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Bladder Instillations/Urological SurgeryView BNF Article on 'IAluril Bladder Instillation'View SPC on 'IAluril Bladder Instillation'View PIL on 'IAluril Bladder Instillation'
Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)
6 million unit prefilled syringe Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'
Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)
9 million unit prefilled syringe Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'
Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)
18 million unit prefilled syringe Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)'
Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)
15 million units / mL, 1.5 mL cartridge Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'
Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)
25 million units / mL, 1.5 mL cartridge Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'
Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)
50 million units / mL, 1.5 mL cartridge Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'
Interferon beta - 1a (Rebif®)
22 micrograms prefilled syringe (6 million units) Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon beta - 1a'View SPC on 'Interferon beta - 1a'View PIL on 'Interferon beta - 1a'
Interferon beta - 1a (Avonex®)
30 micrograms prefilled syringe (6million units) Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon beta - 1a'View SPC on 'Interferon beta - 1a'View PIL on 'Interferon beta - 1a'
Interferon beta - 1a (Rebif®)
44 micrograms prefilled syringe (12 million units) Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon beta - 1a'View SPC on 'Interferon beta - 1a'View PIL on 'Interferon beta - 1a'
Interferon beta - 1b (Betaferon®)
300 micrograms vial injection (9.6 million units) Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon beta - 1b'View SPC on 'Interferon beta - 1b'View PIL on 'Interferon beta - 1b'
Isosorbide Dinitrate Inj
25 mg/ 50 mL Injection Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs NitratesView BNF Article on 'Isosorbide Dinitrate Inj'View SPC on 'Isosorbide Dinitrate Inj'View PIL on 'Isosorbide Dinitrate Inj'
Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)
3 million unit prefilled syringe Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2a'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2a'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2a'
Indometacin (Indomethacin) Suppository
100 mg supps Pack of 10
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory DrugsView BNF Article on 'Indometacin (Indomethacin) Suppository'View SPC on 'Indometacin (Indomethacin) Suppository'View PIL on 'Indometacin (Indomethacin) Suppository'
Isotretinoin Capsule (Roaccutane)
5 mg Cap Pack of 60
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Oral Preparations For AcneView BNF Article on 'Isotretinoin Capsule'View SPC on 'Isotretinoin Capsule'View PIL on 'Isotretinoin Capsule'
Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)
10 million units vial powder for reconstitution Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2b (Intron-A)'
Isotretinoin Capsule (Roaccutane)
20 mg Cap Pack of 60
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Oral Preparations For AcneView BNF Article on 'Isotretinoin Capsule'View SPC on 'Isotretinoin Capsule'View PIL on 'Isotretinoin Capsule'
Iron Sucrose (Venofer)
20 mg/mL, 5mL Vial Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Parenteral IronView BNF Article on 'Iron Sucrose'View SPC on 'Iron Sucrose'View PIL on 'Iron Sucrose'
Interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A)
18 million unit Cartridge Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Interferon alfa-2a'View SPC on 'Interferon alfa-2a'View PIL on 'Interferon alfa-2a'
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (ImmuCyst®)
81 mg vial Bladder Instillation Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Immunomodulating DrugsView BNF Article on 'Bacillus Calmette-Guérin'View SPC on 'Bacillus Calmette-Guérin'View PIL on 'Bacillus Calmette-Guérin'
Infliximab (Remsima)
100 mg powder for concentrate for solution for infusion vials Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Rheumatic Disease Suppressant DrugsView BNF Article on 'Infliximab'View SPC on 'Infliximab'View PIL on 'Infliximab'
Idarucizumab (Praxbind)
2.5 g/50ml solution for infusion vials Pack of 2
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Antifibrinolytic Drugs & HaemostaticsView BNF Article on 'Idarucizumab'View SPC on 'Idarucizumab'View PIL on 'Idarucizumab'
Ibrutinib (Imbruvica)
140 mg capsules Pack of 90
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Other Antineoplastic DrugsView BNF Article on 'Ibrutinib'View SPC on 'Ibrutinib'View PIL on 'Ibrutinib'
Fluocinolone Acetonide (Iluvien)
190 micrograms Intravitreal implant Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs CorticosteroidsView BNF Article on 'Fluocinolone Acetonide'View SPC on 'Fluocinolone Acetonide'View PIL on 'Fluocinolone Acetonide'
150 mg Tablets Pack of 1
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs MucolyticsView BNF Article on 'Ivacaftor'View SPC on 'Ivacaftor'View PIL on 'Ivacaftor'
Telaprevir (Incivo)
375 mg tablets Pack of 126
- PCT FORMULARY STATUS: Hospital Only Drugs Viral HepatitisView BNF Article on 'Telaprevir'View SPC on 'Telaprevir'View PIL on 'Telaprevir'
© Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group 2025 - All Rights Reserved
The Sedgemoor Centre, Priory Road, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 5AS