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You have searched for drugs beginning with:
- 200 result(s) found
First Line Drugs
Second Line Drugs
Specialist advised
Specialist Initiated Drugs
Hospital Only Drugs
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BNF Sub Paragraph
10 mg tab Pack of 28
Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors
20 mg tab Pack of 28
Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors
10 mg tab Pack of 30
40 mg tab Pack of 28
Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors
Clopidogrel tablet
75 mg tab Pack of 28
Antiplatelet Drugs
Clotrimazole Cream
1 % cream (20g tube) Pack of 20
Antifungal Preparations
Vaginal and Vulval Infections
Carbomer 980 Liquid Gel (Clinitas Carbomer)
0.2 % in 10g unit Pack of 1
Tear Deficiency,Eye Lubricant/Astringent
Clobetasone Cream (Eumovate Cream)
0.05 % cream Pack of 30
Topical Corticosteroids
Moderate Potency
Clobetasone Ointment (Eumovate Ointment)
0.05 % oint Pack of 30
Topical Corticosteroids
Moderate Potency
5 mg tab Pack of 100
Antithyroid Drugs
20 mg tab Pack of 100
Antithyroid Drugs
chlorhexidine HCl 0.1%, neomycin sulph 0.5% (Naseptin Cream)
15 g tube Pack of 15
Nasal Prepn for Infection
Clotrimazole Vaginal (Canesten)
500 mg Pessary with Applicator Pack of 1
Vaginal and Vulval Infections
Chlorphenamine Tablet (Piriton)
4 mg tab Pack of 30
Cephalexin/ Cefalexin Capsules
250 mg cap Pack of 28
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
500 mcg tab Pack of 100
Gout & Cytotoxic Induced Hyperiuicaemia
Co-amoxiclav suspension
125 /31 per 5mls (SF) Pack of 100
Broad-Spectrum Penicillins
250 mg tab Pack of 14
Chlorhexidine Oral Preps
0.2 % mouth wash (original) Pack of 300
Mouth-Washes, Gargles, And Dentifrices
Cephalexin/ Cefalexin Tablets
250 mg tab Pack of 28
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
Cephalexin/ Cefalexin Capsules
500 mg cap Pack of 21
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
Clotrimazole/ Hydrocortisone Cream (Canesten HC Cream)
1 % / 1% (30g tube) Pack of 30
Topical Corticosteroids
Corticosteroid & Antimicrobial Combination - Mild Potency
Cephalexin/ Cefalexin Tablets
500 mg tab Pack of 21
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
Clotrimazole Solution (Canesten)
1 % solution (20ml unit) Pack of 20
Antifungal Preparations
Chloramphenicol Eye Preps
1 % eye ointment Pack of 4
375 mg tab (250/125mg) Pack of 21
Broad-Spectrum Penicillins
625 mg tab (500/125mg) Pack of 21
Broad-Spectrum Penicillins
Primary Care - Lower Respiratory Tract Infections
Co-Codamol Tablets (Zapain Caplets)
30 / 500mg tab (Caplet form) Pack of 100
Non-Opioid Analgesics
Co-Codamol Tablets
8 /500mg tab Pack of 100
Non-Opioid Analgesics
Crotamiton (Eurax)
10 % cream Pack of 30
Top Local Anaesthetics & Antipruritics
Crotamiton (Eurax)
10 % lotion Pack of 100
Top Local Anaesthetics & Antipruritics
Zuclopenthixol (Clopixol Tablets)
2 mg tab Pack of 100
Antipsychotic Drugs
Chloramphenicol Eye Preps
0.5 % eye drops (10ml dose) Pack of 1
Isosorbide Mononitrate / ISMN MR (Chemydur XL)
60 mg tab MR Pack of 28
Calcium Carbonate / Vit D3 (Calceos)
1.25 g / 400iu Tab (Chewable) Pack of 60
Vitamin D
Dimeticone + Benzalkonium (Conotrane cream)
500 g Pack of 500
Barrier Preparations
500 mg tab Pack of 14
Calcium Carbonate / Vit D (Adcal-D3)
0.75 g / 200iu Caplet Pack of 112
Vitamin D
Chlorhexidine Oral Preps (Corsodyl)
0.2 % spray (60ml Unit) Pack of 60
Mouth-Washes, Gargles, And Dentifrices
Chlorphenamine Injection (Chlorpheniramine)
10 mg / ml (1ml amp) Pack of 1
Co-amoxiclav suspension
250 /62 per 5mls (SF) Pack of 100
Broad-Spectrum Penicillins
Clarithromycin Suspension
125 mg/5ml Pack of 70
Cephalexin/ Cefalexin Susp
125 mg/5ml suspn Pack of 100
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
250 ml unit Pack of 250
Shampoos And Some Other Scalp Prep's
2.5 /20mg tab Pack of 28
Potassium Sparing Diuretics & Compounds
10 /500mg tab Pack of 100
Non-Opioid Analgesics
5 /40mg tab Pack of 28
Potassium Sparing Diuretics & Compounds
Co-beneldopa (Madopar Capsules)
62.5 mg (50/12.5mg) caps Pack of 100
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Clotrimazole Spray (Canesten Spray)
1 % spray (40ml unit in isopropanol) Pack of 1
Antifungal Preparations
400 mg tab Pack of 56
Control Of Epilepsy
Clindamycin (Dalacin T Topical Lotion)
1 % (10mg/ ml) Pack of 30
Topical Preparations For Acne
Aqueous basis
Calcium Carbonate / Vit D (Adcal-D3)
1.5 g / 400iu Tab (Chewable) (lemon) Pack of 56
Vitamin D
Cephalexin/ Cefalexin Susp
250 mg/5ml suspn Pack of 100
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
Carbamazepine MR
200 mg Tab MR Pack of 56
Control Of Epilepsy
25 /100mg tab Pack of 100
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Calcipotriol Ointment (Dovonex / Calcipotriol)
50 mcg/g ointment (30g tube) Pack of 30
Preparations For Psoriasis
Co-beneldopa (Madopar Dispersible)
62.5 mg (50/12.5mg) disp tab Pack of 100
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Carbamazepine Liquid (Tegretol)
100 mg / 5ml Pack of 300
Control Of Epilepsy
Cocois Scalp Ointment
40 g Unit Pack of 40
Preparations For Psoriasis
Shampoos And Some Other Scalp Prep's
Co-beneldopa (Madopar Capsules)
125 mg (100/25mg) caps Pack of 100
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Peak Flow Meter (Clement Clarke Mini-Wright)
60 -800 l/min (standard) range Pack of 1
Peak Flow Meters
Co-codamol Efferv
8 /500mg soluble tab Pack of 100
Non-Opioid Analgesics
Peak Flow Meter (Clement Clarke Mini-Wright)
30 -400 l/min (low) range Pack of 1
Peak Flow Meters
Clarithromycin Suspension
250 mg / 5ml Pack of 70
Chlorphenamine Solution (Chlorpheniramine)
2 mg/5ml Liquid S/F Pack of 150
Zuclopenthixol (Clopixol Tablets)
10 mg tab Pack of 100
Antipsychotic Drugs
Hydrogen Peroxide Cream (Crystacide)
1 % cream (25g unit) Pack of 25
Prep's For Minor Cuts & Abrasions
Coal Tar Lotion (Exorex)
5 % Lotion in emollient Pack of 100
Preparations For Psoriasis
Chlordiazepoxide Caps
5 mg caps Pack of 100
Chlordiazepoxide is included for its use in acute alcohol withdrawal rather than for use in anxiety.
Chlordiazepoxide Caps
10 mg caps Pack of 100
Chlordiazepoxide is included for its use in acute alcohol withdrawal rather than for use in anxiety.
Carbamazepine MR
400 mg Tab MR Pack of 56
Control Of Epilepsy
Co-beneldopa (Madopar Dispersible)
125 mg (100/25mg) disp tab Pack of 100
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Chloramphenicol Eye Drops (Minims)
0.5 % eye drops 0.5ml UD p/f Pack of 20
Co-careldopa MR (Sinemet CR)
50 /200mg Tab MR Pack of 60
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Cavity Dressing (Urgosorb Rope)
30 cm Pack of 5
Wound Management & other Dressings
Citalopram Oral Drops
40 mg / ml Pack of 15
Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors
8 mg (4 drops) Cipramil oral drops may be considered to be equivalent in therapeutic effect to 10 mg citalopram tablet.
Co-beneldopa CR (Madopar CR)
125 mg (100/25mg) CR caps Pack of 100
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Co-careldopa 275 (Sinemet-275)
25 /250mg Tab Pack of 90
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Zuclopenthixol (Clopixol Tablets)
25 mg tab Pack of 100
Antipsychotic Drugs
Calcitriol ointment (Silkis)
3 mcg/g 100g Pack of 100
Preparations For Psoriasis
Cetirizine Solution SF
1 mg / ml Pack of 200
Ipratropium - Salbutamol Nebs (Combivent UDV)
60 * 2.5ml vials Pack of 60
Compound Bronchodilator Preparations
Combivent® nebuliser solution should be started only by a Respiratory Physician. It is less expensive to prescribe salbutamol and ipratropium bromide nebuliser solutions separately but this requires patients to nebulise 4.5 mL instead of 2.5 mL.
Codeine Phosphate (60mg)
60 mg / ml injection (1ml amp) Pack of 10
Opioid Analgesics
Opioid Analgesics
Beclometasone Dipropionate Tablet (Clipper)
5 mg MR tablet Pack of 30
Beclometasone diproprionate (Clipper) is an additional option after an oral aminosalicylate in mild to moderate left sided or extensive ulcerative colitis (as per NICE CG for ulcerative colitis). It may be considered for patients in whom the use of prednisolone would best be avoided. GPs need to be aware of the 4 week course and the dosing of 5mg daily for Beclometasone diproprionate and may wish to consider seeking advice from the IBD team when prescribing this steroid.
Carbamazepine Suppositories
125 mg supp Pack of 5
Control Of Epilepsy
Carbamazepine Suppositories
250 mg supp Pack of 5
Control Of Epilepsy
250 mg tab Pack of 10
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: must now only be prescribed when other commonly recommended antibiotics are inappropriate (Jan 2024 DSU) Please see Cornwall management of infection guidelines for indications.
500 mg tab Pack of 10
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: must now only be prescribed when other commonly recommended antibiotics are inappropriate (Jan 2024 DSU) Please see Cornwall management of infection guidelines for indications.
Codeine Phosphate (15mg)
15 mg tab Pack of 28
Opioid Analgesics
Antimotility Drugs
Codeine Phosphate (30mg)
30 mg tab Pack of 28
Opioid Analgesics
Antimotility Drugs
480 mg tab Pack of 28
Sulphonamides And Trimethoprim
Chloroquine (Nivaquine)
200 mg tab (=150mg chloroquine) Pack of 28
Clindamycin Caps
150 mg caps Pack of 24
Clindamycin and Lincomycin
Codeine Phosphate (60mg)
60 mg tab Pack of 28
Opioid Analgesics
Clobetasol Cream (Dermovate Cream)
0.05 % cream Pack of 30
Topical Corticosteroids
Very Potent
Clobetasol Ointment (Dermovate Ointment)
0.05 % oint Pack of 30
Topical Corticosteroids
Very Potent
Carmellose Eye Drops (Celluvisc)
1 % (0.4ml single dose units) Pack of 30
Tear Deficiency,Eye Lubricant/Astringent
Clobetasol Scalp (Dermovate Scalp)
0.05 % soln (30 ml unit) Pack of 30
Topical Corticosteroids
Very Potent
Cyclizine (Valoid)
50 mg/ 1ml vial Pack of 5
Drugs Used In Nausea And Vertigo
Co-magaldrox (Maalox Oral Suspension)
500 ml Pack of 500
Antacids and Simeticone
Beclometasone MDI (Clenil Modulite)
50 mcg inhaler (200 doses) Pack of 1
Corticosteroids (Respiratory)
Choline salicylate 8.7% (Bonjela Dental Gel)
15 g tube sugar free Pack of 15
Drugs For Oral Ulceration & Inflammation
10 mg cap Pack of 28
Tricyclic & Related Antidepressant Drugs
An alternative to SSRIs in obsessive compulsive disorder
25 mg cap Pack of 28
Tricyclic & Related Antidepressant Drugs
An alternative to SSRIs in obsessive compulsive disorder
Nifedipine XL (Coracten XL)
30 mg Cap MR Pack of 28
Calcium-Channel Blockers
125 mg / 5ml Pack of 300
250 mg / 5ml Pack of 300
Coal Tar Scalp Ointment (Sebco)
12 % solution Pack of 40
Preparations For Psoriasis
Cream (Cetraben)
500 g pump Pack of 1
Co-codamol Efferv
30 /500mg soluble tabs (STRONG) Pack of 100
Non-Opioid Analgesics
Nifedipine XL (Coracten XL)
60 mg Cap MR Pack of 28
Calcium-Channel Blockers
Beclometasone MDI (Clenil Modulite)
100 mcg inhaler (200 doses) Pack of 1
Corticosteroids (Respiratory)
50 mg cap Pack of 28
Tricyclic & Related Antidepressant Drugs
An alternative to SSRIs in obsessive compulsive disorder
Cyclizine (Valoid)
50 mg tab Pack of 100
Drugs Used In Nausea And Vertigo
Misoprostol (Cytotec)
200 mcg tab Pack of 60
Prostaglandin Analogues
Prostaglandins And Oxytocics
Prostaglandins And Oxytocics
(unlicensed indication)
2000 /35 mcg tab Pack of 63
Oral Preparations For Acne
Clindamycin Vaginal Cream (Dalacin Cream)
40 g + 7 applicators Pack of 40
Vaginal and Vulval Infections
Vaginal and Vulval Infections
Clindamycin (Dalacin C)
150 mg caps Pack of 24
Clindamycin and Lincomycin
Clobetasone + Oxytetracycline + Nystatin (Trimovate Cream)
30 g tube Pack of 30
Topical Corticosteroids
Corticosteroid & Antimicrobial Combination - Moderate Potency
Beclometasone MDI (Clenil Modulite)
200 mcg inhaler (200 doses) Pack of 1
Corticosteroids (Respiratory)
Beclometasone MDI (Clenil Modulite)
250 mcg inhaler (200 doses) Pack of 1
Corticosteroids (Respiratory)
Escitalopram Drops (Cipralex)
20 mg / ml Pack of 15
Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors
Co-Danthramer Forte Suspn
75 /1000 per 5mls SF Pack of 300
Stimulant Laxatives
3.125 mg tab Pack of 28
Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking Drugs
25 mg tab Pack of 28
Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking Drugs
12.5 mg tab Pack of 28
Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking Drugs
6.25 mg tab Pack of 28
Beta-Adrenoceptor Blocking Drugs
57 g shake pdr sachet banana Pack of 4
ONS - Standard
57 g shake pdr sachet chocolate Pack of 4
ONS - Standard
57 g shake pdr sachet milk Pack of 4
ONS - Standard
57 g shake pdr sachet strawberry Pack of 4
ONS - Standard
57 g shake pdr sachet vanilla Pack of 4
ONS - Standard
57 g shake pdr sachet unspecified Pack of 4
ONS - Standard
Clobazam (Frisium)
10 mg tab Pack of 30
Control Of Epilepsy
Complete Nutrition Liquid (Nepro)
200 ml tetrapak unspecified Pack of 200
Enteral Nutrition
57 g shake pdr sachet Starter pack Pack of 5
ONS - Standard
Calogen (Calogen)
200 ml unit Banana Pack of 1
Enteral Nutrition
Calogen (Calogen)
200 ml unit Strawberry Pack of 1
Enteral Nutrition
Calogen (Calogen)
200 ml unit Neutral Pack of 1
Enteral Nutrition
Calogen (Calogen Extra)
200 ml unit unspecified Pack of 1
Foods For Special Diets
250 ng cap Pack of 30
Vitamin D
Carteolol (Teoptic)
1 % eye drops 5ml unit Pack of 5
Treatment Of Glaucoma
Administered BD
Alprostadil (Caverject)
5 mcg vial Pack of 1
Drugs For Erectile Dysfunction
500 ng cap Pack of 30
Vitamin D
Cyclopentolate 0.5% eye drops (Mydrilate)
0.5 % eye drops 5ml Pack of 5
Mydriatics And Cycloplegics
Cyclopentolate 1% eye drops (Mydrilate)
1 % eye drops Pack of 5
Mydriatics And Cycloplegics
Cyclopentolate Eye Drops (Mydrilate)
1 % eye drops 5ml Pack of 5
Mydriatics And Cycloplegics
Carteolol (Teoptic)
2 % eye drops 5ml unit Pack of 5
Treatment Of Glaucoma
Administered BD
Calcium Carbonate Tablet (Adcal)
1.5 g tab (Chewable) Pack of 100
Calcium Supplements
Progesterone (Cyclogest)
200 mg pessary / suppository Pack of 15
Calcium Carbonate Tablet (Calcichew)
1.25 g tab (eqv 500mg Ca) chewable Pack of 100
Calcium Supplements
Brimonidine / Timolol (Combigan)
0.2 % / 0.5% (5ml unit) Pack of 1
Treatment Of Glaucoma
Administered BD
Clomifene (Clomiphene) (Clomid)
50 mg Tab Pack of 30
Hypothalamic&Ant Pituit Hormone&Antioest
Clomifene (Clomiphene)
50 mg tab Pack of 30
Hypothalamic&Ant Pituit Hormone&Antioest
Cyclopentolate 0.5% single use eye drops (Minims)
0.5 % single use eye drops Pack of 20
Mydriatics And Cycloplegics
0.5 mg tab Pack of 100
Control Of Epilepsy
Cyclopentolate 1% single use eye drops (Minims)
1 % single use eye drops Pack of 20
Mydriatics And Cycloplegics
Alprostadil (Caverject)
20 mcg vial Pack of 1
Drugs For Erectile Dysfunction
10000 unit caps Pack of 100
Progesterone (Cyclogest)
400 mg pessary / suppository Pack of 15
Calcium Carbonate Tablet (Calcichew Forte)
2.5 g / tab (eqv 1g Ca) chewable Pack of 60
Calcium Supplements
2 mg tab Pack of 100
Control Of Epilepsy
Alprostadil Injection (Caverject Dual Chamber)
10 mcg pack (powder and solvent) Pack of 2
Drugs For Erectile Dysfunction
0.5 mg tab Pack of 8
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Calshake (Calshake)
87 g unit unspecified Pack of 7
ONS - Standard
Colistimethate Sodium Injection (Colomycin Injection)
1 million unit vial Pack of 10
Some Other Antibiotics
Ciclosporin (Neoral)
25 mg cap Pack of 30
Cortico'oids & Other Immunosuppressants
25 mg tab Pack of 56
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Alprostadil Injection (Caverject Dual Chamber)
20 mcg pack (powder and solvent) Pack of 2
Drugs For Erectile Dysfunction
Calcium Acetate (Phosex)
1 g tab Pack of 180
Phosphate Binding Agents
Pergolide (Celance)
250 mcg tab Pack of 100
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Alprostadil (Caverject)
40 mcg vial (refrigerated line) Pack of 1
Drugs For Erectile Dysfunction
50 mg tab Pack of 56
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Calcitonin Injection (Miacalcic)
400 units/amp (2ml mdv) Pack of 1
Calcitonin and Parathyroid Hormone
25000 unit caps Pack of 100
Balsalazide Capsule (Colazide)
750 mg Cap Pack of 130
12.5 mg tab Pack of 56
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Methylphenidate (Concerta XL)
18 mg MR tab Pack of 30
CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHD
Zuclopenthixol Decanoate Depot Inj (Clopixol Depot Injection)
200 mg/ml amp Pack of 10
Antipsychotic Depot Injections
Colistimethate Sodium Injection (Colomycin Injection)
2 million unit vial Pack of 10
Some Other Antibiotics
Ciclosporin (Neoral)
50 mg cap Pack of 30
Cortico'oids & Other Immunosuppressants
Methylphenidate (Concerta XL)
27 mg MR tab Pack of 30
CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHD
Zuclopenthixol Decanoate Depot Inj (Clopixol Depot Injection)
500 mg/ml amp Pack of 5
Antipsychotic Depot Injections
Methylphenidate (Concerta XL)
36 mg MR tab Pack of 30
CNS Stimulants and drugs used for ADHD
Pergolide (Celance)
1 mg tab (1000 mcg tab) Pack of 100
Dopaminergic Drugs Used In Parkinsonism
Cholera Vaccine (Dukoral)
2 Dose Pack Pack of 2
Vaccines And Antisera
Ciclosporin (Neoral)
100 mg cap Pack of 30
Cortico'oids & Other Immunosuppressants
Cyproterone Acetate
50 mg tab Pack of 56
Prostate Cancer & Gonadorelin Analogues
Cyclosporin Solution (Neoral Solution)
100 mg/ml Pack of 50
Cortico'oids & Other Immunosuppressants
Cyproterone Acetate
100 mg tab Pack of 84
Prostate Cancer & Gonadorelin Analogues
Ciprofloxacin Eye Drops (Ciloxan)
0.3 % eye drops 5ml unit Pack of 1
Gentamicin Injection (Cidomycin)
80 mg / 2ml Amp Pack of 5
Ceftazidime (Fortum)
1 g injection Pack of 1
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
Ceftriaxone IV Injection
1 g vial Pack of 1
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
Ceftazidime (Fortum)
2 g monovial Pack of 1
Cephalosporins and other Beta-Lactams
Ciclosporin (Sandimmun)
50 mg / ml (1ml amp) Pack of 10
Cortico'oids & Other Immunosuppressants
Clopidogrel tablet (Plavix)
300 mg tab Pack of 30
Antiplatelet Drugs
Lamivudine / Zidovudine (Combivir)
150 / 300mg tab Pack of 60
HIV Infection
Glatiramer Acetate Injection (Copaxone Injection)
20 mg / 1ml prefilled syringe Pack of 28
Other Immunomodulating Drugs
Co-Codamol Capsules
8 /500mg cap Pack of 100
Non-Opioid Analgesics
© Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group 2025 - All Rights Reserved
The Sedgemoor Centre, Priory Road, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 5AS